Consciously Create Your Day

This week I had a note from a dear friend to say that she and her husband are retiring from their teaching jobs and moving from California to New Mexico.  It was a shock!  I had thought I had another year or
two before they retired to travel up to visit them only an hour away. 
But economics being what they are, the high school district offered them a great buy-out a year early and they took it.  And that made
me realize how much time I HAVEN’T spent with them when I could have…and now they will be going away. 

There are two positive aspects in this … I do have a few months in which I can go visit before they leave and now I have a place to visit in Las Cruces!  But this experience reminded me that our time with the people that illuminate our spirit is often on our back burner.  Make time for your dear friends a front-burner priority!  It’s a decision you’ll always be happy you made.


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