Conscious Creation Tip

Minding Your Masterminding


If you feel alone in your personal or business life and you really would like to have a support group of like-minded people, trying putting together a Mastermind group. Even better if they are Conscious Creators, individuals who understand the power of personal empowerment, self-determination and self-responsibility. Look around your social and professional circles for people whom you trust and for whom you have regard. Don’t be intimated if your prospective mastermind partners are folks with more experience than you, or you perceive as more successful. Those are just the kind of people with whom you want to join, people who can provide guidance and help you advance. You’re looking for compassionate individuals who are willing to share what they’ve learned and are team players, they like to support others. The goal of the group is to provide support, guidance and information for each other. If everyone is on the same page, it should be a synergistic process—every person grows and benefits from the process and the group evolves as well. You can discuss your personal struggles, your business challenges or your spiritual evolution—whichever format the group decides upon. Start your group off with a positive visualization of what you want it to be!


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