Conscious Creation

Living in a Love-Centered Society


Have you ever wondered what life would be like if we lived in a Love-Centered Society? If Love were the most valuable commodity instead of money and possession?


This amazing Utopia would mean that we would exalt those who show the most compassion, humility and selflessness—instead of celebrities and the wealthy. Instead of being competitive, we would actually strive to cooperate. Imagine that! Each of us would work for the good of whole, so that abundance could increase for all of us. No more “me first!”


In a Love-Centered Society, there would be no one homeless and the aged would be cared for. People would rear their children with such care and thoughtful awareness, that those children would not seek solace in drugs, alcohol and sex. With such love between couples, family abuse would disappear.


In a Love-Centered Society, we would actually strive to truly rehabilitate those who have erred against the law. People of all different cultures would share the wealth of their culture with the wider society as a whole. Society would be a polyglot of cultures and mixed race peoples because there would be no barriers to love.


In a Love-Centered Society we would recognize the humanity in everyone else. We would realize that we are truly one great energy compartmentalized temporarily in individual human frames. Therefore by giving love to one, we are giving to all.


In a Love-Centered Society we would extend that love to all the living beings on the planet and to the Earth itself. We would treat them with kindness, compassion, common sense and respect.


In a Love-Centered Society we would love ourselves so that we can fully love others, and we would teach love to all of our offspring and everyone influenced by us. We would set an example of being a loving force in the world.


In a Love-Centered Society, we would assume someone’s innocence, accept responsibility for our own actions, encounter others with trust in our hearts, work to alleviate dissension or dis-alignment with others, engage in a relationship with love as the true outcome and not ownership or control.


In a Love-Centered Society, we would love our bodies and take care of them, so that our health radiates. We address discord in ourselves and with others quickly so that emotional blocks evaporate and leave a loving and free flow of energy coursing through us.


In a Love-Centered Society, each of us would adhere to our conscience, open ourselves to the wisdom and guidance of the Universe, and use love as the guiding principal for all decisions in our lives.   


In a Love-Centered Society, success is judged not by how much money you have, but how much you’ve lived a life of love, joy and compassion. And how loved and uplifted others feel around you—how far your love light shines.


I don’t know about you, but I’m working on my little part of the world right now, creating my little Love-Centered corner. I’m putting love first as my new life commitment. Care to join me?  How about we then link up our Love-Centered neighborhoods and see what wonders can occur! 


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