Category Archives for "Conscious Creation Tips"

Conscious Creation Tip



As you grow spiritually, do you speak and then realize that you said something very counter to your new spiritual believes—something that just might manifest an unpleasant or unwanted experience? Does this happen when you are even thinking things that could manifest unhappily for you. When don’t despair…Many highly advanced spiritual beings (and some far less advanced!) use a very simple phrase to undo the damage.  They say –or think–these words: Cancel/Cancelled! And then restate their desire or their thought in a more positive framework. It tells the Universe that you’re taking responsibility and to disregard the errant statement or phrase—Please Universe, listen to the next one and act on that instead!

Conscious Creation Tip

Bathing and Manifesting


OK guys…this one is for us girls! One of the best ways to open yourself up for manifesting is to treat yourself to a wonderful bath with essential oils and candles, both tools of soul enrichment. Settle in for a nice long hot bath where you set an intention as you slide beneath the surface, and then spend the rest of the time dreaming about the future you desire to have, the solution to a problem, or of expanding your heart to embrace more joy, love and peace. Happy soaking! 

The Blame Game

If you find yourself blaming someone else for anything, stop immediately! Remember that you are responsible for what happens in your life whether you are aware of it or not. Look first at what you might have done to create the situation or failed to do to allow the situation. Then look at how you can use this as a teaching opportunity with the other person or people, rather than assigning blame. Lastly, if the other party regularly fails to live up to his or her responsibilities after having been presented with an opportunity to change, look at ways to release this person, rather than blaming him or her. It’s within your hands to adjust, change or release.

Conscious Creation Tip

Air Out Your House


Our homes are often places of stuck energy. Now as the better weather approaches, spring is an ideal time to throw open the doors and windows and start airing out your house. This isn’t just about fresh air; it’s about circulating the energy and releasing the negative vibrations that have been closed in during the winter. Burn a bit of sage to “smudge” as a means to further purify and cleanse the energy. Toss out something old and unwanted. Open up to new, clean, high- frequency vibrations!   

Conscious Creation Tip

Bathing and Manifesting


OK guys…this one is for us girls! One of the best ways to open yourself up for manifesting is to treat yourself to a wonderful bath with essential oils and candles, both tools of soul enrichment. Settle in for a nice long hot bath where you set an intention as you slide beneath the surface, and then spend the rest of the time dreaming about the future you desire to have, the solution to a problem, or of expanding your heart to embrace more joy, love and peace. Happy soaking! 

Conscious Creation Tip

Hold Out for Something Better


When you’re faced with an option that you don’t believe is in your highest good, don’t take it because it seems to be your only option. Believe that there is something better on the horizon and hold out for that Something Better.

Conscious Creation Tip

Drive, He Said


When you are stuck in a car for a long ride, try not turning on the radio, CD or the iPod. Instead use this time to set new intentions and to refine your desires with clarity. While being careful not to “zone out” so that you are driving unconsciously, you can still use this valuable time for Conscious Creation. It’s also a great time to open your channel to receive and see what comes forth!

Conscious Creation Tip

The Best is Yet to Come!


Most people spend their lives looking backward at their fondest experiences and worrying that life is getting away from them. That’s a good way to fritter away the rest of your life without living it. If you want to make sure that life is just one great experience after another, hold the vision that “The Best is Yet to Come!” And believe it!

Conscious Creation Tip

Minding Your Masterminding


If you feel alone in your personal or business life and you really would like to have a support group of like-minded people, trying putting together a Mastermind group. Even better if they are Conscious Creators, individuals who understand the power of personal empowerment, self-determination and self-responsibility. Look around your social and professional circles for people whom you trust and for whom you have regard. Don’t be intimated if your prospective mastermind partners are folks with more experience than you, or you perceive as more successful. Those are just the kind of people with whom you want to join, people who can provide guidance and help you advance. You’re looking for compassionate individuals who are willing to share what they’ve learned and are team players, they like to support others. The goal of the group is to provide support, guidance and information for each other. If everyone is on the same page, it should be a synergistic process—every person grows and benefits from the process and the group evolves as well. You can discuss your personal struggles, your business challenges or your spiritual evolution—whichever format the group decides upon. Start your group off with a positive visualization of what you want it to be!

Conscious Creation Tip

Bouncing Back


Are you a handball, a basketball or a beach ball? When life knocks you down, can you bounce back like any of these? When you “take a hit,” think of yourself as your favorite type of rubber ball and will yourself to bounce back! Smile when you think of yourself bouncing around like something in a Wiley Coyote cartoon! You have the strength and the resiliency! Happy bouncing!