10 Tips for Spending the Holidays with Relatives

You know, unlike a lot of people I know, I had really great parents.
They are both gone now, and they certainly had their faults, but I’d
have taken them over anyone else’s folks. So each year during the holidays
I’m reminded by my friends how crazy their relatives make them–whether
it’s mom who can never be pleased or cousin Dave who’s an embarrassing
drunk. So this year, I put together a fun little guide based on some
principles in my book, called "How NOT to Let Your Relatives Ring Your
Holiday Bell." You can get it at this address:
It’ll be in the LASplash.com gift guide and its been excerpted for a
hot new online magazine called NoNiche. It was also featured on the
front page of DivineCaroline.com. Feel free to pass it along to your
friends when you hear them uncap the "holiday whine."

Rush to see this spiritual film!

If you haven’t seen "August Rush", the film with Keri Russell, Jonathan
Rhys Myers, Robin Williams and the adorable Freddie Hightower, it is a
must! This is a highly spiritual film about an orphaned youngster who
hears music everywhere and believes that the music will lead him to his
birth parents. He holds that vision throughout his travels as the
11-year-old becomes a musical prodigy, despite others who scoff at his
firm belief. It is a charming film, one of many mainstream movies that
are beginning to embrace such spiritual messages.  A great holiday
feel-good movie.

Welcome to the new Conscious Creation blog!

Thank you for visiting me here!

I created this blog to share news, notes and ruminations on the world of Conscious Creation. With each entry, you mind find tips, hints or strategies — or perhaps a look at how the mass media is interpreting spiritual/manifesting messages.

I might quote a sage or two; report on meeting a visionary leader; recommend a book, CD or DVD; comment on something in the news; laud someone doing something transformative; or perhaps report on some exciting development that points to an important turning point for our planet.

I look forward to keeping you on top of how we are all partaking in the transformation of our future!

In love, peace and joy…


Follow Your Bliss

This week Merv Griffin past away, a man of humble origins who rose to a place of great wealth. Griffin was not the most talented or funny talk show host , but he brought something else to his work–joy! And that joy attracted the Universe’s goodwill, and allowed it to inform his life. In memorium this week, a wonderful story appeared in the LA Times by Peter Barsocchini, a former producer of The Merv Griffin Show who reminisced about the talk show host/mogul. One of the headlines reads: "He followed his bliss to great fame and fortune." Here’s what Barsocchini said: "When his empire grew and business press inerviewed him about the secret to ‘becoming a mogul,’ he told the truth. He just wanted to have fun. He liked doing puzzles and playing games. He created Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune not to build an empire, but to have fun. Once during the Joseph Campbell "Power of Myth" craze, I suggested he watch the PBS series. He did. He called me and said, "I’ve been following my bliss all these years and didn’t even know it." Barsocchini suggested that the reason The Merv Griffin Show was such a success was that the host came to each show like a wide-eyed youngster curious about the lives of his celebrity guests, never feeling as one with them, instead giving his audience the sensation that he was just as in awe of the celebrities as they were. And his awe and wonder was genuine. A toast to a man who lived life to the fullest–in its rarest and most pure form–bliss.

Changing Nature

Two wonderful milestones! The American Bald Eagle is now off the endangered species list, and the rare El Segundo blue butterly has resurfaced in Southern California after near extinction…Only 400 more species to go! OK Conscious Creators: We still have plenty of visioning to do! Let’s get going! 🙂

Mainstream Conscious Creation

I am increasingly struck by signs that spirtuality, Conscious Creation and the physics of consciousness are seeping into the mainstream. Yesterday, I finished four days at a terrific conference, The National Speakers Association annual convention in San Diego, and the theme was "Soul and Substance." I attended all of the keynote addresses and a half a dozen breakout sessions and I would say that 8 of the 14 sessions focused on spiritual issues relating to consciously creating our personal futures, the physics of co-creation, and conducting business ethically and morally–and teaching these values from the platform. Some of the truly exciting speakers included two of the featured individuals from The Secret, Dr. Joe Vitale and John Assaraf, plus a really dynamic woman Dr. Sue Morter, who had us all on our feet during a really fun presentation on Quantum Physics and spiritual health. Each keynote was powerful and inspiring. But what really struck me is that the attendees are largely individuals who conduct their business in a corporate enviroment. They are paid speakers to corporations, associations, seminars and sales training. Many are personal coaches. Five years ago, these would have been the first people to say that Conscious Creation is just a lot of ravings from airy-fairy metaphyiscal minds. Today, they are not only buying it, but teaching it. We’ve definitely come a long way, baby!

A Lesson From Remy!

I just returned from seeing the delightful Disney/Pixar film Ratatouille. While the animation in any Pixar film is awesome craftmanship, it is always the storytelling coming from this creative powerhouse that is most compelling. But what struck me so strongly about this particular film is its message about Conscious Creation. Here is a little rat, Remy, that yearns to be a great chef–a great chef in the greater human world. Through his intense focus and intention, his belief in himself, his passion for his calling and his trust that it would happen , this little creature finds a way to make his dream come true…regardless of how improbable or absurd it would seem. While the story is obviously just a "tail," it is an inspiration for children and a reminder to adults that there is little out of the realm of possibility if we keep our focus positive and learn how to apply the 25 Guiding Universal Principals on our behalf. Hats off to Remy of Ratatouille! He’s the smallest Conscious Creator on film!

The Supreme Optimist

I just sadly read about the death of Terry Ryan, author of The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio. Her wonderful book captured the spirit of her mother Evelyn as one of the Universe’s premiere natural conscious creators. Evelyn, portrayed by actress Julianne Moore in the movie by the same name released in 2005, was the supreme optimist, a woman who lived her life in a state of constant joy, despite having an abusive alcoholic as a husband and ten children. While her husband squandered the family livlihood on drink, leaving them often without food and even nearly homeless, Evelyn wrote contest jingles, slogans and limericks in the 1950s for such products as Beech-Nut gum, Purina Dog Chow and Dial Soap. She loved her "hobby," the winnings from which ultimately fed, clothed, provided transportation for her family and even covered the mortgage in desparate times. By staying in her state of joy regardless of what happened around her, envisioning herself winning, and confidently knowing that the Universe would provide, Evelyn attracted the success and money that helped her raise 10 children in a home filled with her love. Hats off to this incredible woman and the daughter she raised who would tell her amazing story!

Good Deed Day

I was truly impressed to see reports in yesterday’s Los Angeles Times on the growth of Big Sunday, begun 8 years ago by David Levinson, a Hollywood writer who started it as a "Mitvah Day"–(translation Good Deed Day) at his synagogue. That event has now grown to include 50,000 volunteers in Southern California, volunteering their time over a designated weekend in the spring to help others. Volunteers coordinated more than 300 projects which included planting, painting, cooking and cleaning for those in need. One woman thought she’d help by setting up a lemonade stand for her daughter’s brownie troup and instead managed 400 volunteers pouring 2,000 liters of lemonade at 50 stands around the region! Parks and school grounds were beautified, women’s shelters were cleaned and renovated, etc. It is expected that Big Sunday will continue its exponetial growth next year. We applaud David Levinson! He shows the power of one man’s vision coupled with action. If you’d like to volunteer for Big Sunday, we urge you to go to www.bigsunday.org to get more information.

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