5 Things You Can Do to Help Refuel The Earth’s Energy Tank

Does the news of war, terrorists and global warming get you down? Do you find it appalling how humans treat one another? Are you troubled by the huge number of people experiencing homelessness, poverty and hunger? Feel like you’re helpless to change any of this?

The world today is a product of negative human energy overflowing the Earth’s Energy Tank. This Tank, continually replenished with energy from our thoughts and emotions, creates our reality. Quantum physics is revealing that our emotions and thoughts influence the future. When we produce anger, jealousy, fear and other negative frequencies within the Universe, we pollute the Earth Energy Tank. But when we engage in love, kindness, forgiveness and compassion, we add clean fuel to the mix and become positive Conscious Creators. 

You may say, “I’m not a thief, murderer or terrorist; so how have I contributed to this state of affairs?”  The answer is this: By allowing yourself to unconsciously produce negative thoughts on these issues you’ve accidentally poisoned the Earth’s Energy Tank. But here is what you can do to turn the tide.

• First, become conscious of your emotions, thoughts and actions; and consider where they fit on the Frequency Yardstick.  Do you produce high frequency energy associated with love and compassion, or are you generating low frequency energy created by worry, fear and anger?

• Second, actively change your emotions, thoughts and actions to be more positive. Correct in mid-course if you catch yourself slipping down the Frequency Yardstick.

• Third, begin counteracting trauma in the world by taking positive actions –help others, be kind, teach others, be grateful, and get involved in activities that create change.

• Fourth, begin visioning the world as we wish it to be—peaceful, abundant, and free of crime, hunger and disease. Spend time in quiet thought or meditation sending these compelling visions of a healthy world to the Earth’s Energy Tank.  Set aside time daily to Consciously Create your existence.  And each time you see negative energy being created, take a moment to counter that with alternative transformative energy transmissions.

• Finally, participate with others, such as the members of United World Healing (www.unitedworldhealing.org), in synchronized group visions that boost the power of your energy thoughts. United World Healing’s mission is to harness the conscious intent of people and organizations to synergistically create a compassionate, healthy world.    

Let’s use our hearts and minds to cleanse the Earth Energy Tank and produce an exciting new reality.  It only takes us becoming Conscious Creators!

Jackie Lapin tours the world teaching Conscious Creation and Personal Frequency Management. She is the author of "The Art of Conscious Creation; How You Can Transform the World." Sign up at www.theartofconsciouscreation.com to learn how you can become a master manifestor!

Lapin is also the founder of United World Healing, an organization dedicated to harnessing the conscious intent of people and organizations globally to synergistically create a healthy, compassionate world. On Nov. 9, United World Healing will hold its first worldwide online "Vision-In" for healing the world and manifesting a better future. Join Now to Start Changing the World! To join or receive the daily vision by email, just click on  www.unitedworldhealing.org


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